
Jul 23 2020

Tantric Massage

Tantric massage

Tantric massage is a technique based on tantra, influenced by the philosophy of 2,500 BC, it aims to help channel and redistribute body energies, in which sensitivity is expanded and provides an intense experience.

Benefits of Tantric Massage

Tantric massage releases suppressed emotions
It is a conscious, sensual and mystical sensory massage that helps everyone to explore themselves, to know their truth, to bring awareness to their unconsciousness. With this massage, you will receive the ability to have pleasure, sensations of sensuality and sensitivity that will gradually flood your body with physical and mental excitement and relaxation. It is essential to control the breath through which the mind is released and emotions are unlocked.

Tantric massage allows us to enjoy sex, explore new paths of pleasure, channel energy and manage it, obtaining longer and higher quality encounters. In addition to any social convention, feelings, emotions and communication are improved as a couple.
This sexuality, based on absolute and mutual respect, allows the ability to love others, to understand their partner, the meaning of relationships, to keep lovers' passion and joy beyond routine.

Feel the total sexual desire

There are many reasons to get involved in tantric massage: releasing self-knowledge, inner evolution, transcending physical limits, releasing endorphins through sexual pleasure. All of this gives us the joy of living, eliminates depression, combats stress and reduces the incidence of multiple diseases. It favors the development of the right brain, freeing the free thinking of very creative people.

Powerful remedy for premature ejaculation

Relaxing, feeling calm, complete communication with your partner, with your environment, time and just enjoying the present moment is certainly a remedy to prevent premature ejaculation. Away with any negative charge of energies that block us and erode our quality of life!

Improve your health

The breath is deep, you connect with your inner self, your partner and your environment. It is a different way of feeling and transcending totally enriching and pleasant. Increase your body's energy level, we learn to accept ourselves, to love ourselves more, to distribute our energy throughout our being and to learn to control it. Tantra is connection, absence of rigidity, it is a door to healing, healing and spirituality.

No sexual routine

There is nothing more overwhelming and discouraging within a relationship than falling into sexual monotony. Receiving or giving a body massage, stopping at the satisfaction of the other and getting so involved in the magical setting of Tantra, it makes the relationship between the members something dynamic and fun, which brings more fresh air to life

Greater work and social performance

Body massage will make you feel valuable, desired, full. And soon you will see the benefits that this type of sensation will bring to your day to day. Without hesitation, feeling good about yourself increases your performance at work, in your studies and considerably improves your social and family relationships

Power communication

Hand-to-hand massage has to focus on stimulation of Lingam or Yoni, something that communicates our body with its most sensitive side. This will result in greater respect within the couple's relationship and also a greater mental openness. By promoting the feeling of intimacy in the couple, it will also strengthen communication.

Complete relaxation: emotional, physical and mental

When creating a climate of total intimacy, you will forget the clock, the rush and can dedicate yourself to feeling the emotion produced by the sensual body of the masseuse.
In an environment with low light and relaxing music, you just have to let yourself be carried away by the sensations that slowly start to awaken in your body and take you gently into the most intense sexual arousal.